Monday, December 20, 2010

Day before my french exam

Day before my french exam

1. So the french kiss has got nothing to do with french? Lovely just lovely! Just wasted two years of my life.
2. 101 rules and just about 201 exceptions
3. You should have colonized the rest of  Europe (England colonised just about every other continent and yes you guys had that french revolution thing going for you but really now!)
4. So I forget a teeny weeny kappie above an A and it changes the WHOLE sentence sheesh, how petty can you get?!
5. Will I seriously use all 7 tenses in everyday life, yes like will I ever the passe simple??
6.So if it doesnt sound nice they change it? Il faut que j'aille? Yes how about we change that, sounds like a swear word.
7. Latin and Greek as a combination for any language is  horrible idea. How cruel can you get??
8. Paris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9.  people think they really sound educated when they use french words here and there, BRAGS
10. Iregular verb? Are you kidding me? Who comes up with these things?!

1 comment:

  1. Funny top 10 list. You shouldn't worry about the 7 tenses :)
    French course
