Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Why you wish you were me???

Ok so I admit it, I suck! Like who suffers from acne for freakn 10 years!? I am boyfriendless, I am short tempered and I don't mince my words who would want to be me?? The answer surprised me. To the very core of my skinny being. You!
You want to be me because you dont know who you are. You want be me because to you, even though I dont have a perfect life I have prety much figured it all out. You want to be me because I know what I want. You want to be me because I am gifted.  You want to be me because you are a superficial bitch. You want to be me beacuse I don't care. You want to be me because I voice my feelings. You want to be me because you have copied me in every sense of the word.

You think so low of yourself that you think I am just like you. Far from it my dear. I am not a super model, but I am skinnier than you. I am not a superstar, but I turn heads. I am not a superstar but I am a DIVA!

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