Friday, December 31, 2010

The Year That Was...

I am ambivalent about the year, I wanted to die at the very thought of going back to PMB. My very dreams were crushed by the fact that I cannot leave that stupid town, I need to stick around for God's plan. trusting God sucks. Truly. Its one of those easy but impossible things to do. I like being in control and making my own dreams happen, the thought of God helping me out was worrying, but nevertheless. So the year begun in despair, trying not to think about going back to PMB. I looked for  place to stay and my was it HELL?! My room was the size of a matchbox, thieves and thugs roamed the corridors (ok Im exageratting) but basically it ws torture. I then liked this guy who didnt like me back *rolls eyes* (story of my life) I was really involved in the church. Put together a talent show and a surprise party. Performed and it was amazingly awesome! It was then time to leave sunny Africa for cold Canada! Well the initial plan was to go to Chicago but hey Canada is Canada... So it was a really loong process. Getting my Visa. Money my mom spent on me etc etc etc. The experience was awesome though, could have been better, but it truly was great. Met awesome people, did things I had only dreamt of and found myself. I loved being alone and watching the snow fall donw. I loved Fridays. Met with a Christian group and it was truly awesome. I almost had my first kiss but a firend reminded me that I must let God write my story and that my body is God's temple. Its truly what I needed to hear. Truly. I learnt to be my own person and trust God. Trusting Him was not as bad this time but it was. I trust Him that even though I didnt have my first kiss in Canada with some hunky guy its going to be freakn amazing! Its going to be better than my expectations, waaay better. Cos I flew to Joburg, on my way to Canada. God dreamt a biggger dream than me and all I needed to do was trust Him. I trust Him with my future even though I dont know much about what I am going to do next year, my degree and so on and so forth, the future looks bright though! So the year was ok. Next year will be good too! Hoping the Lord keeps my family safe and protects them. and that I live all my dreams :-)

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