Saturday, January 1, 2011

to you

so you are precious to me, more than you will ever know. Sitting here, not even sure you exist in my heart I know you are out there and I just want to reassure you that I am also out there. I care for you. I love you and I want to spend the rest fo my life with you. I pretty much sound delusional right now, but I dont care, because one day I know you are going to read this and I am going to watch you smile and I am going to smile back and ask what? and you are going to kiss my hand and tell me that I mean the world to you. I cannot wait for our lives together. I know you are going to fill this hole in my heart. This sadness and lonliness in my life will disperse! We are going to watch sad movies together, listen to great songs, dance all night, laugh all day. STAND UP COMEDIES! There will be up and downs. There will be times I will want to choke you, times you just don't even want to talk to me but cannot bare the thought of life without me. You will love Jesus. Passionate about the church. Passionate about serving the Lord. Yes. I cannot wait for you. Cannot wait for our french conversations and travels to all over the world. Oh life will be awesome with you. I pray for you. I pray for you more than I pray for me.

I love you husband, friend and brother. Cannot wait to meet you!


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